stewART Professional Development Workshops

Invested in helping North & South Dakota schools integrate Native American art

About the site image
StewART Professional Development is dedicated to the revitalization of Native American art from North and South Dakota. This website is designed to develop art opportunities in your community and school districts including teacher professional development & student art workshops.

Personal Background
After graduating from a South Dakota university with a degree in art education, I started my first teaching career at McLaughlin School District on Standing Rock Reservation. The first semester I was expected to teach Native American art and illustrate a culturally responsive curriculum; however, I was not taught any Native American art or NA-culturally responsive curriculum development from my years in college. I found myself unprepared and uneducated to perform the duties of my new position. Since, I have dedicated myself to professional development in my content area and the demographics in which I teach. I am grateful for the relationships I have made with those who have taught me and am interested in sharing what I have learned with others. Native American Art needs to exist in our curriculum, as it is deeply connected with understanding the history and culture of North & South Dakota.

Every Workshop Provides

one-on-one instruction and support, teaching materials, & resources for ordering supplies

Ledger Art

This course is designed to teach the iconography and stylized imagery commonly seen on traditional ledger art drawings from the plains. The course provides stencils, copies of ledger art paper, and examples for use.

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Missouri River Pottery Workshop (Paddle Anvil)

This course is designed to teach Missouri River pottery, using historical techniques developed by the Mandan & Hidatsa. Participants learn how to make and process clay for pottery use and how to construct an outside kiln for firing.

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Hand Drums

This course is designed to teach Native American hand drums using wood rings and elk hide. Students will be instructed on how to paint the drum.The course focuses on the history & iconography of hand drums in Lakota and Dakota culture.

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Drum Sticks (Fiberglass)

This course is designed to teach participants how to make a current/contemporary fiberglass drum sticks, commonly used on a larger drum for powwows.

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Native American Breast Plates

This course is designed to teach participants how to make a traditional Native American breast plate using real/natural materials.

Peyote Beaded Key Chains

This course is designed to teach participants how to construct a leather key chain and design a peyote beaded key chain.

Beaded Earrings

This course is designed to teach 3 different techniques for making beaded earrings.

Beaded Medallions

This course is designed to teach beaded medallion designs commonly seen on necklaces and regalia. Participants will learn how to develop designs and color patterns, in addition to performing the beadwork.

Southwest Pottery

This course is designed to teach different styles & techniques of Native American pottery commonly seen in the southwest. This course will include an outside firing using cow chips.


This course is designed to teach how to make a smaller envelop and/or container using raw hide, felt, and lace.

Medicine Shields

This course is designed to teach contemporary medicine shields using a metal ring, felt, India inks, and feathers to resemble a traditional medicine shield. These shields are smaller in diameter and used for decoration on walls.

Beaded Lanyards

This course is designed to teach students how to make beaded lanyards and key chains using a wrap technique.

Double-sided Drums

This course is designed to teach how to make a double-sided drum. These drums would be smaller in size and could be used for ceremony or as a tutorial for making a larger pow wow drum.

Beaded Dream Catchers

This course is designed to teach how to make a contemporary beaded dream catcher using metal hoops.

Beaded Sports Medallions

This course is designed to teach how to bead sports medallions and logos for a necklace or key chain.

Beaded Graduation Caps

This course is designed to teach how to bead a graduation cap. Students will be introduced to different patterns and color designs.

The Strength of Art Education

Art is a content in and of itself and needs to be understood as such

Art is seeing, critical thinking, culture and history; without it, you no longer have art, you have a decoration, and that is a completely different subject.

Derek Stewart


Bachelor's degree in Art Education from South Dakota State University, Master's in Special Education from Capella University, Doctorate Degree in Educational Leadership from the University of New England. Educator on Standing Rock Reservation for the past 10 years and current professor at Sitting Bull College.

  • Bismarck, ND, USA
  • Contact for more information regarding workshops and prices